Mecoser Sistemi S.p.A. has built its opportunity for gradual but continuous development on the following priority factors:

  • the quality of the products and services provided;
  • customer satisfaction and loyalty;
  • human resources well-being;
  • respect for the environment in which it operates.

The company is fully aware that these goals can only be achieved through:

  • performance optimization;
  • work efficiency;
  • continuous process as well as workforce improvement;
  • definition and achievement of optimal standards in all our functions.

The choice to adopt an Integrated Management System for Quality, Environment and Safety, compliant with and certified to the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and 14001.2015 standards, is the natural consolidation of the attention paid by the company to the satisfaction of its customers and to the achievement of high quality standards. This without ever receding from the principles of environmental protection and respect for its human resources health and safety, acquired and consolidated over time.

Mecoser Sistemi S.p.A. believes that the complete customer satisfaction represents the essential condition for the company continuity and growth. Nonetheless, this is the road to shareholders and employees utter satisfaction, without ever forgetting the social and ecological implications that a productive activity promises to maintain and develop nowadays.

In this case, the present Quality, Environment and Safety Policy is stated in the following salient points:


About Mecoser Sistemi S.p.A. relationship with its customers, it is regarded as mandatory:

  • properly perceive client’s requests and needs, translating them into quality products and services that realize and exceed their expectations;
  • show as much flexibility as possible, with respect to customer needs;
  • maintain clear relation with customers, in order to prevent any complaint from them;
  • respect the time for carrying out the planned works;
  • evaluate the customer satisfaction degree;
  • evaluate the process/product criticalities delected by customers.

About the relationship Mecoser Sistemi S.p.A. has with its suppliers, it is desirable:

  • carry out an accurate analysis aimed at selecting reliable suppliers with whom to undertake lasting relationships over time;
  • make the suppliers themselves involved in the Policy for Quality, Environment and Safety pursued by the company, so as to integrate them as “collaborators”;
  • involve suppliers in business improvement plans and in the continuous know-how exchange;
  • apply methodologies to guarantee a control that is more and more responsive to customer specifications;
  • monitor the suppliers economic and financial soundness, to ensure the quality and continuity of supplies over time.

Mecoser Sistemi S.p.A. Management considers as a priority to establish methods for personnel involvement, aimed at a continuous improvement through:

  • tasks, skills and responsibilities clear and unambiguous definition;
  • shared and documented definition of operational procedures in company processes;
  • identification of business processes as a sequence of activities that consume resources and produce results and which influence the company’s ability to meet customer needs;
  • supply to all employees of those practical and theoretical tools that are able to guarantee the full achievement of company objectives;
  • the involvement and integration of all company recources for the optimization of activities and continuous improvement of services, according to customer expectations.

As regards relations with the society outside the company, in order to contribute to the ecological balance of the environmental system and to the reduction of “ecological consumption”, the Management considers as a priority:

  • compliance with the applicable environmental legislation and regulations and the verification of this assumption every six month;
  • analysis of their own situation, with respect to potential risks and dangers of environmental impact.

As part of this policy, the Management, supported by the Board of Directors, in order to consolidate the vision of its entrepreneurial role, undertakes to:

  • support, implement and certify by a third-party certification authority a System for Integrated Quality, Environment and Safety Management, in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001.2015 and SA 8000:2014 international reference standards. This system must be “tailor-made” according to the problems arising from the individual production processes and the size and resources of the company group;
  • comply with all applicable environmental, safety and health protection laws applicable to the specific production situation;
  • constantly monitor over time and, where necessary, implement all the technical regulations applicable to the sectors of interest of the company organization;
  • involve all the staff without exception in the execution and achievement of a total quality policy;
  • promote and spread among all company workforce a mentality oriented towards a gradual but continuous improvement of quality standards, environmental efficiency, safety and protection, as well as a real culture of prevention, as an indispensable tool for the achievement of company performance, respecting the principles of safety and health of workers and environmental protection;
  • achieve a high level of professional preparation of personnel through an adequate and continuous training activity, with particular attention to the functional and aesthetic quality of our products, with a view to continuous product improvement;
  • involve and sensitize all the people working for the organization, or on its behalf, on environmental and safety issues. Internally and externally spread, through the appropriate communication channels, the commitments contained in this document;
  • pay the highest attention to correctly identify the client’s needs, both explicit and implicit;
  • work to reduce the amount of waste produced, favouring operations aimed at recovering and recycling waste compared to disposal;
  • carefully evaluate any purchase of materials necessary to the production, in order to avoid the use of dangerous products for the safety and health of their workers and harmful to the environment;
  • work to properly manage the use of paints by rationalizing their consumption and taking care of avoiding environmental and health impacts generated by the incorrect handling of these substances (deposits, vapors, etc.);
  • strive for a reduction in energy and water consumption through their rationalized use, tending to reduce waste and through the continuous technological updating of equipment and industrial sites;
  • prevent any emergence situation, identifying, assessing and monitoring risks of environmental and or safety origin, both in normal working practices and in extraordinary situations;
  • update the production as well as the production approach systems (equipment, software, hardware, etc.) at the same pace of technological development;
  • annually review the effectivness of the Integrated Management System implemented.

In order to ensure a proper Quality, Environment and Security System management, as well as its application, the management asks for the complete and unconditional effort to all the company personnel. Nonetheless, the company undertakes to spread the necessary information to each employee, to make them all fully understand the importance of their own role as part of the Integrated Management System. 

All the above goals are achievable only through the complete and unconditional effort from every single human resource.