Aware of the role it plays in the economic and social community, Mecoser Sistemi S.p.A. wants to characterize itself as an excellent operator regarding its own Ethical and Social Responsibility.
The Ethical and Social Responsibilities of the individual members of the company towards the stakeholder groups lay the foundations for a fair and effective management of transactions and human relations, supporting the Company’s reputation, in order to generate a climate of trust and mutual collaboration.
Therefore, the Management has established the following policy regarding ethical and social responsibility and working conditions.
Through the following policy, the Management communicates, inside and outside the Company, the intention to operate through efficient and trasparent methods and systems. This is supposed to guarantee the continuous detection of the expectations of the parties involved and the evolution of the System of the Ethical and Social Responsibility Management that ensures the implementation, in terms of continuous improvement, towards these expectations.
Mecoser Sistemi S.p.A. wants to characterize its ethical and social responsibility, as “Excellent Company“, and to assure all the interested parties that its activities are developed with the aim of promoting respect for the fundamental human rights. The Company complies with the principles such as loyalty, fairness, transparency and efficiency. Commercial and business activities must be carried out honestly, in good faith and in full compliance with the rules of protection of competitions.