Mecoser Sistemi S.p.A. attended to GPEX2018 – Global Power & Energy Exhibition – to promote a new range of standardized Special Mobile Containers (CMS Plug-in). The event is addressed to the operators in the Oil&Gas industry for the decommissioning of the Onshore and Offshore oil extraction plants, as well as of modules and structures used for the production, transformation, distribution and consumption of renewable energies.
Taking part to an international event as GPEX2018, Mecoser Sistemi S.p.A. was able to find a place into a high potential market and open itself to new opportunities of collaboration and professional growth.
POR CAMPANIA FESR 2014-2020, Asse III – Obiettivo Specifico 3.4 – Azione 3.4.2 has financed Mecoser exhibition space.